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Informed consent form for Posture analysis and correctional exercises

Programme objectives and procedures

I understand that the purpose of the exercise programme is to provide safe and individualised exercise to improve health and fitness, posture and alignment Exercises may include:


Stretching the designated muscle groups.

Resistance training/ weight-bearing exercises.


Potential risks

The exercise programme is designed to place a gradually increasing workload on the cardiovascular and muscular systems and thereby improve their function. The reaction of the cardiovascular and muscular system to such exercise cannot always be predicted with complete accuracy. There is a risk of certain changes that might occur during or following the exercise. These changes could relate to blood pressure or heart rate.


Potential benefits

I understand that a programme of regular exercise has been shown to be beneficial. Some of these benefits include:

·       A decrease in risk of heart disease

·       A decrease in body fat

·       Improved blood pressure

·       Improvement in psychological function

·       Improvement in aerobic fitness

·       Posture correction

·       Muscular strengthening

·       Aligning of skeletal muscles

·       Easing of joint pain / muscle pain


I understand that at times, the trainer might need to place their hands on areas of concern to gather correct findings of that particular muscle/ skeletal area. The trainer will always ask for permission. I have the right to decline being touched, but I understand this might hinder the result of my posture analysis.


 At times , the trainer might need clothing to be removed, or altered for the result to be seen to the trainer. The trainer will always ask for permission, I have the right to decline this but understand it may hinder the result of my posture analysis.

The personal training programme has been explained to me and my questions regarding the programme have been answered to my satisfaction. I understand that I am free to withdraw at any time. The information obtained will be treated as private and confidential.

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